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Date: 12-22-2006

Case Style: George Treperinas v. Burlington Norther Santa Fee Railroad Company

Case Number: Unknown

Judge: Unknown

Court: 12th Judicial District Court, Hill County, Montana

Plaintiff's Attorney:

Erik B. Thueson, Missoula, Montana

Defendant's Attorney: Unknown


George Treperinas sued Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad on a wrongful termination theory claiming that he was terminated after he reported that he had sustained a neck injury on the job and would require extensive medical care. Treperinas was out of work until an appeals board ordered that he be returned to his job. He underwent therapy and surgery on his neck and was unable to pay his bills.

The defenses asserted by BNSF are not available.

Outcome: Plaintiff's verdict for $300,000.00.

Plaintiff's Experts: Unknown

Defendant's Experts: Unknown

Comments: None

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