About MoreLaw.com

MoreLaw was created by Kent Morlan, an attorney who practices law in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1996. Morlan, a former United States Air Force cryptographic computer repairman, graduated from the University of Missouri School of Law in Columbia in 1972. He was admitted to practice in Missouri on September 22, 1972 and was a staff attorney with the Missouri Department of Transportation from 1972 to 1976. He was admitted to practice in Oklahoma in 1976 and was Assistant City Attorney from 1976 to 1979. He then went into private practice with Jones, Given, Brett, Gotcher and Bogan where he specialized in insurance defense, civil and commercial litigation until 1991. He then formed Morlan & Associates, P.C.

In 1996, Kent and Terrie Morlan obtained the domain "MoreLaw,com" and formed MoreLaw.com, Inc. MoreLaw is a legal services marketing and publishing company. Among other things, MoreLaw collects and publishes civil litigation information from the state and federal courts nationwide and information that the lawyers and forensic expert witnesses involved in the litigation of civil and criminal cases in those courts. Since its inception, MoreLaw has collected information on more than 40,000 civil cases, 70,000 lawyers, and thousands of expert witnesses. Access to all information published on MoreLaw is free to the public.

MoreLaw's goal is to collect as much information as possible about the civil litigation process in America's courts as possible and as much information about the men and women of the legal community who toil in the vineyards of the rule of law in furtherance of a just society. MoreLaw is not and was never intended to be West Law, FindLaw, Martindale, Hubbell, LoisLaw or any other of the large publishing companies that collect and sell access to information. Its motto from the beginning was and remains "Free As It Should Be." Publication of case reports, e.g., civil jury verdict reports, settlement reports or appellate court decisions has always and remains free.

MoreLaw also provides a venue where any lawyer, expert witness, court reporter or any other legal service provider can upon request have a free basic listing to themselves and the services that they provide to the public or the legal community. A basic lawyer listing in MoreLaw free public access Lawyer Directory can contain the same or more information as a Martindale.com, FindLaw.com or Lawyers.com listing but without charge.

Since 1996, MoreLaw has pioneered a business model based in the belief that the Internet will fundamentally change the way people looking for legal information or legal assistance in the belief that information wants to be free. MoreLaw seeks to help individuals and companies find the best possible legal representation at the least possible cost. It has pursued this goal by collecting as much information as possible about the members of the private practice bar and the result that they have achieved for their clients.

If you are looking for a lawyer to present you, it is likely that information about the private practice lawyer you need to hire can be found in MoreLaw's Free Public Access National Lawyer Directory.

If you are a private practice lawyer and are interested in creating a free basic listing for yourself that provides essentially unlimited space to provide biographical, contact and practice information, you may do so by going to MoreLaw's Add Attorney Listing page and filling out a form and providing a password. After creating a listing, you are free to return at any time and as often as you wish to correct, update and expand on the basic listing.

Similar listings are also available without charge to any forensic expert witness, court reporter or any other legal service provider.

In addition to the foregoing, MoreLaw provides premium legal services marketing to lawyers who wish to publish information about themselves and the services that you provide to the public in more than one county, statewide or nationally. For as little as $1 a day, any legal service provider can have a highly visible web presence for himself or herself.

Every day, MoreLaw adds information about cases tried in the state and federal courts and the lawyers and expert witnesses involved in the litigation process. If you have been involved in the trial of a case and would like to have a report published about it on MoreLaw, send information about the case to Info@MoreLaw.com. If you are lawyer and want to add a listing for yourself to MoreLaw, go to Add Attorney Listing and follow the instructions to create a free basic listing.

Thank you for visiting MoreLaw.

Kent Morlan, Esq.
Editor & Publisher
624 South Denver, Suite 300
Tulsa, OK 74119

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