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Date: 10-21-2021

Case Style:

Khrystyna Brankov v. Deal Delivery Corporation, Inc.

Case Number: 2:20-cv-00174-NDF

Judge: Nancy D. Freudenthal

Court: United States District Court for the District of Wyoming (Laramie County)

Plaintiff's Attorney:

Best Cheyenne Personal Injury Lawyer Directory

Defendant's Attorney: Elizabeth Bellamy Grill

Description: Cheyenne, WY - Personal injury truck wrecklawyer represented Plaintiff, who sued Defendant on a auto negligence wrongful death theory claiming to have suffered more than $75,000 in injuries and/or damages as a direct result of an accident caused by Defendant’s employees.

Plaintiff was the representative of the Estate of Bohdan Adamko, deceased.

Outcome: 10/21/2021 18 Stipulated MOTION to Dismiss Case, filed by Defendant Deal Delivery Corporation Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order Order of Dismissal)(Grill, Elizabeth) (Entered: 10/21/2021)
10/21/2021 19 ORDER by the Honorable Nancy D Freudenthal granting 18 Stipulation for dismissal. Each party shall bear his or her own attorneys' fees and costs.(Court Staff, sal) (Entered: 10/21/2021)

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