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Date: 02-07-2023

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Patricia Jean Haskell v. Wright Medical Technology, Inc.

Case Number: 4:20-cv-01036

Judge: Kristine G. Baker

Court: United States District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas (Pulaski County)

Plaintiff's Attorney:

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Defendant's Attorney: Danielle N. Bagwell, Drew T. Dorner, Sean K. Burke

Description: Little Rock, Arkansas personal injury lawyers represented Plaintiff who sued Defendant on a products liability theory claiming to have suffered more than $850,000 in damages and/or injuries as a direct result of a defective and unreasonably dangerous product design, manufactured and/or sold by Defendant.

Federal Courthouse - Little Rock, Arkansas

Federal Courthouse - Little Rock, Arkansas

MoreLaw Legal News For Little Rock

In Arkansas, a product liability action may be based on negligence or strict liability and may include claims of design defect; manufacturing defect; or failures of warning, instruction, and marketing.

In Arkansas, a person injured by a defective product has three years from the date of injury or property damage in which to file a product liability lawsuit. However, despite this statute of limitations, the state's discovery rule says that the clock doesn't start until you knew, or should have discovered, the connection between the product and the harm you suffered.

Wright Medical Group N.V. is a global medical device company focused on Extremities and Biologics.

Outcome: Settled for an undisclosed sum and dismissed with prejudice.

Plaintiff's Experts:

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