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Date: 10-06-2022

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Malik Omar Vance v. State of Oklahoma

Case Number: F-201-391


Court: Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals on appeal from the District Court in and for Tulsa County)

Plaintiff's Attorney: Tulsa County District Attorney’s Office

Defendant's Attorney:

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Click Here For The Best Tulsa Criminal Defense Lawyer Directory

John Dunn, Danny Joseph, Dustin Phillips

Description: Tulsa, Oklahoma criminal defense lawyers represented defendant accused of rape.

¶3 On the evening of October 20, 2017, M.P. went to Appellant's apartment and joined Appellant and other friends playing games and drinking. A.L, Appellant's girlfriend who also lived in the apartment, went to sleep before the other guests left or went to sleep. After a few hours, in the early morning of October 21, 2017, M.P. went to sleep alone in the spare bedroom of Appellant's apartment because she did not feel comfortable driving home after drinking. M.P. was wearing leggings when she went to sleep. When M.P. awoke, she was no longer wearing her leggings or underwear and Appellant's penis was inside her vagina. M.P. testified that when Appellant asked her if she liked what he was doing, she responded "no." M.P. also testified that she tried to move her body to get away but could not do so. M.P. testified that after Appellant "finished" and left the room, she gathered herself, got dressed, and left the apartment. M.P. went to the hospital, reported the event to law enforcement, and completed a SANE exam. M.P. texted A.L. after leaving the apartment and informed A.L. that she had woken up to Appellant penetrating her. The SANE examination results confirmed Appellant's sexual intercourse with M.P.

See: State v. Vance

Outcome: Affirmed

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