MoreLaw Marketing

Click Here To Start Marketing Your Practice On MoreLaw

MoreLaw provides "basic" and value added Internet marketing programs. There is no charge for basic marketing. If you are interested in high visibility cost effective Internet public relations marketing for your practice, MoreLaw provides value added public relations marketing for only $10 per month!

MoreLaw and Bluefin Payment Systems have joined forces to make it possible for you public reports about the cases you win and to place information about yourself and your practice on as many pages of MoreLaw's practice specific pages as you wish for your community for the same low monthly subscription that will be automatically charged to your credit card.

You can terminate your Internet marketing program on MoreLaw at any time by simply telling us that you wish to stop marketing your services on MoreLaw and your marketing program on MoreLaw stop immediately. There is no setup fee and you can update the information about yourself and your practice at any time without limitation.

When you subscribe to MoreLaw's Internet marketing program, you greatly increase the likelihood that potential clients will find you and the services that you provide when they use Google, Yahoo or one of the other search engines to search for legal services you provide to cleints. MoreLaw has developed a unique business process that makes it much more likely that a search engine search for a lawyer like you in your community will find you rather than another lawyer down the street or in another community. For dallar a day, MoreLaw will create high a visibility cost effective public relations marketing presence for you and your practice on the Internet. Make sure that you don't get missed by that potential client who uses the Internet to look for a lawyer.

MoreLaw's public Internet marketing program cost a fraction of what it costs to market legal services with other legal services marketing companies. MoreLaw's overhead is lower because it does not engage in telemarketing and it does not pay commissions to salesmen. There is no contract to sign. Getting started takes just a few minutes. There is no setup fee and you can terminate your public relations marketing program on MoreLaw at any time without penalty.

Click Here To Start Your MoreLaw Internet Marketing Program.

Remember, If you do not have a web presence for your practice, potential clients will not be able to find you if they use the Internet to look for a lawyer like you in your town or city.