Russell  Berman
3351 NW Boca Raton Blvd
Boca Raton, FL 33431
(Palm Beach)

Position: Owner

TEL: 800-375-5555


Email: Click Here


Admitted: Florida

Law School: University of Florida, Fredric G. Levin College of Law J.D. - Juris Doctor

College: University of Miami School of Business BA - Bachelor of Arts 2000

Birth Date and Place: 

Practice Areas: Personal Injury Law, Criminal Defense, Family Law, Estate Planning & Elder Law, Fiduciary Law, LGTB Legal Service, Immigration, Corporate Law, and Business Law

Additional Information: Florida Personal Injury Attorneys & Trial Lawyers. Established in 2008, BERMAN LAW GROUP Injury and Accident Attorneys has quickly garnered a well-deserved reputation as an indefatigable and fearless defender of our client’s rights. With all the resources needed to pursue your case to the extent that it’s fullest value is realized, we have the dedication & driving desire to get the job done and to be ranked among the top car accident attorneys in Boca Raton Florida. We have experienced attorneys near you that strive to treat clients like our family members, working with full responsibility to identify and understand each client’s personal and specific needs.\\\\r\\\\n

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