Marianne  Garrison
Marianne Garrison Injury & Accident Attorney
4765 Independence St Suite A
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Position: owner

TEL: 720-580-8312


Email: Click Here


Admitted: Colorado

Law School: J.D

College: BS - Bachelor of Science

Birth Date and Place: 

Practice Areas: Civil Litigation, Auto Accidents, Workers’ Compensation, Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice law, Collective Action, Litigation

Additional Information: This is Marianne Garrison. I am a personal injury attorney at Ramos Law Firm. I joined Ramos law in 2018 because I wanted to be the kind of lawyer who did more than just move money from one corporate pocket to another. I wanted to help people who needed it the most. Serving my clients by taking over the stress of dealing with an insurance claim, and negotiating for them a fair and rewarding settlement, is satisfying and makes me feel, at the end of each day, that I made a difference for someone who needed it the most. While I may be a part of the Pre-Litigation Team at Ramos Law, the truth is everyone at Ramos Law is part of my family, and our family doesn’t stop there. We consider our clients as part of our extended family and the care, compassion, and love we show toward clients is at the core of our beliefs.

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