MoreLaw Forensic Expert Directory Listing For
Liz Buddenhagen
Buddenhagen & Assocaites

Atlanta, GA 30303

TEL: 770-725-2997



Expertise: Our Atlanta Legal Nurse Consultants Help You Win Cases Atlanta attorneys count on Buddenhagen & Associates for services that get results. Winning medical legal cases requires accurate and strong case-building – and Buddenhagen & Associates are experts in this field. Plain and simple, we save attorneys time and money. Our Atlanta Legal Nurse Consultants provide the following services: * We screen and review cases for merit. Non-meritorious cases cost you time and money. Right off the bat, you need to know if a case is worth pursuing. * We identify appropriate experts. Our experts have the knowledge to strengthen your case. Buddenhagen & Associates bring knowledgeable specialists to the table that have information germane to your case. * We locate the right expert witnesses. Our expert witnesses are experienced, credible professionals who provide authoritative testimony that advances your case. * We provide an absolutely thorough case review. Our written and verbal reports are meticulously prepared in a detailed, logical step-by-step format. This makes it easy for you to zero in on the precise data you need to further your case. * We define and critique relevant standards of care. This critical intelligence provides those essential keys to causation * We prepare chronologies and timelines. We’ll provide you with a crystal- clear overview of the case and its possibilities. Buddenhagen & Associates give you a full briefing on the pertinent facts, the evidence, the events and the key individuals involved. * We perform pharmacological evaluations and assess alleged damages and injuries. We will summarize the medications relevant to your case, their possible side-effects and implication for alleged damages and injuries. Our Atlanta B&A Legal Nurse Consultant team also excels at: * Medical billing and coding analysis * Exhibit preparation * Researching medical literature * Fraud and tampering evaluation * Evaluating long-term care issues and locating life care planners * Medicare Set Aside: Lien Investigations, MSA Allocation Report, Submission of Report to CMS. Want to see a sample of the quality legal nurse consulting work we provide our clients? Just call me. My name is Liz Buddenhagen, RN, Legal Nurse Consultant, and I will personally mail or email you a free sample work product and information packet. Our office number is 770-725-2997.

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If the information shown above is incorrect, please call us at 888-354-4529 and we will be happy to make any correction that you request at no charge.

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