MoreLaw Forensic Expert Directory Listing For
Brett Bojack
Forte Studios
927 6th St
Boone, IA 50036

TEL: 515-309-1524



Expertise: Audio forensic evidence and expert testimony. We convert audio formats and enhance, identify voices or audio sounds. Additional services include splitting tracks of audio sections for efficient court presentation. Examples projects include: Phone or video audio converted to CD playback disc. Audio that has background noise or mumbled audio which can be enhanced for audibility. Whispering or soft voices that can't normally be hear can be amplified for audibility. Audio that is believed to be tampered or fraudulently edited can be verified. Voice or sound identification using frequency analyzer and event simulation. Certified transcripts of audio that cannot be broadcasted clearly in a court playback system, but can be played on our studio high definition speaker monitor system.

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