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Date: 11-27-2023

Case Style:

State of New York v. Jabar Walker

Case Number:

Judge: Trial Judge's name is not available. Marima R. Best (on exoneration)

Court: Supreme Court, Manhattan County, New York

Plaintiff's Attorney: Manhattan County New York District Attorney's Office

Shalena Howard Deputy Chief of the Post Conviction Justice Unit

Defendant's Attorney: Trial Lawyer's name is not available.
Vanessa Potkin - Exoneration Lawyer with the Innocence Project

Description: New York City, New York defendant exonerated for a crime that he did not commit.

Jabar Walker, age 49, was charged with shooting two men in a parked care in 1995.

A woman who lived across the street from West 148th Street from where two min were shot and killed in a car on May 28, 1990, testified that she had seen Walker, age 20, fire the shots. A man who knew Walker also testified that he had hears him confess.

The woman who testified against Walker had been paid by the District Attorney's Office which paid her to move to a new apartment. Prosecutors told jurors that she had received "on consideration in connection with her testimony."

The man who testified that Walker confessed to the killing had the felony charges filed against him were reduced to a misdemeanor. He had also been threatened with being charged with homicides.

Mr. Walker's lawyer was allegedly ineffective in his representation of Walker.

Outcome: Defendant was found guilty of second-degree murder and was sentenced to to consecutive terms of 25 years to life.

The man who testified that he heard Walker confess to the killing recanted.

The judgment against Walker was vacated and the charges were dismissed.

The Innocence Project Mr. Walker's case.

The DA's Office lost confidence in the woman's testimony.

The man who testified that the heard Walker confess recanted in 1998 on the day that Walker was sentenced.

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