MoreLaw Forensic Expert Directory Listing For
William Lybarger
William A. Lybarger, PhD
7304 East Foster
Wichita, KS 67206

TEL: (316) 630-9320

FAX: (316) 630-9332


Expertise: Dr. Lybarger provides expert witness services related to Standard of Care issues in health and human service agencies. His casework has included personal injury and wrongful death related to mental retardation, IDEA, loss of life potential and compensation disputes, nursing homes, developmental disabilities, juvenile treatment centers, private psychiatric facilities, community mental health centers and special education. Additionally, Dr. Lybarger has provided court testimony 3 times, deposition testimony 15 times, spends approximately 15% of his time in expert witness work and is retained by the plaintiff 70% of the time.

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