MoreLaw Goods Services and/or Information Directory Listing For

Kent Morlan

406 South Boulder, Suite 450
Tulsa, OK 74103

Office: 918-582-6422
Phone: 888-354-4529
FAX: 918-582-6106


Kent Morlan
Editor & Publisher


MoreLaw collects and publishes civil and criminal litigation information from the state and federal courts. Morelaw also collects information about trial lawyers like you.

MoreLaw's reports and the information that MoreLaw has stored in its free public access Internet Lawyer Directory market you and your practice to the public free of charge.

MoreLaw has the ability to make the information that it has collected about you and your practice and reports that it has published and can publish in the future much more effective.

For as little $10 a month, MoreLaw will publish information about you and your practice in up to 10 cities (counties) in your market area.

MoreLaw will also publish reports about your litigation successes and link your name in the reports to your website or to information about you and your practice stored in MoreLaw Lawyer Directory.

To make advantage of great Internet marketing opportunity, go to Recent Listings and look yourself up and click "Click Here To Enhance Your Profile in the Directory" and fill out the forms. Simple.

MoreLaw can produce new clients for your practice.

Kent Morlan The Blind Squirrel Theory of the Internet

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